
Mishika F/W 2011 Lookbook

알 수 없는 사용자 2011. 9. 8. 23:10

동향이 아무리 큰 영향력을 발휘한다 하더라도 그에 개의치 않고, 꾸준히 독자적인 스타일을 이어나가고 있는 브랜드들에게는 동향이나 주관적 취향과는 관계없는 순수한 경의를 보낼만 합니다. 패션 브랜드를 예술가 집단이 아닌 하나의 기업으로 볼 때, 그 것은 굉장한 모험이며 충분한 손실을 감수해야 하기 때문이지요.

많은 로컬, 서브컬쳐 브랜드들이 트랜드에 영합하여 등산복을 만들고 있을 때, 미쉬카의 2011년 가을, 겨울에는 이전부터 이어져 온 '쌘' 옷들이 가득 차 있습니다. 비록 작년 추동복은 프레피로 잠시 외도를 했었지만, 이번 미쉬카는 다시 예전으로 돌아와 그 충혈된 눈알 만큼이나 쌘 옷을 내놓았습니다.

시장과 대중의 평가가 어떻게 나오든지 간에 미쉬카의 이런 행보는 시사하는 바가 큽니다. 대규모로 운영되는 대자본 기반의 하이패션 브랜드가 아님에도 불구하고 자신들의 독자적인 영역을 확보하며 스타일을 견지할 수 있다는 점은 미쉬카에게 경탄을 보내기 충분케 합니다. 팔아먹기 바쁜 옷들이 범람하는 세상에서, "니들이 뭐라고 하든 나는 내 길을 간다." 란 독고다이 정신은 찬란히 빛납니다.

이하는 미쉬카의 F/W 시즌 해설이에요.

Fall is almost upon us. Did Summer really happen? I feel like we were just trudging through freezing ice a couple weeks back and now our long summer nights and hot summer nights are almost gone. Did we do the most we possibly could with the time allotted us? If not don’t worry yourself because regrets are for chumps and improving is what winners do. Summer’s great and all but if you bungled your summer you can still tackle Autumn like a champ. Maybe you make up for sleeping through the Fourth of July by getting a headstart on your Halloween costume. Tomorrow can haunt you forever if you let or you can flip those table and haunt the future.

This Fall’s clothing line is one of our best. I’m not trying to toot our collective horn but that’s just how it is. There’s a big back to school theme with varsity, letterman and coaches’ jackets. We’ve got our regular assortment of fucking awesome plaid shirts made with our own custom plaids. We’re easing up on the fitteds but making a lot pretty strong snapbacks. We’ve got some new D.A.R.T. gear for those of you who don’t want to sacrifice looking sharp for the sake of clothes that are good for biking in. We’ve also got some rugby shirts and our knit soccer scarf for those of you who dig the English sports aesthetic.

Our Fall 2011 Lookbook was shot by Steve Glashier who used a bunch of English musicians for models. There’s CRIM3S (formerly Story of Isaac) who are a witchhousey duo and O Children who are more early 80s death rock sounding. Then there’s Plastician who you already know and Bok Bok from Night Slugs. There’s Darq. E Freeker who made that Cherry Ade song and also Redlight, Subscape, Tomb Crew, Roska, Peigh, Spooky from Oil Gang, Alix Perez and also Doorly. Also, there’s Rod Azlan the guy who emcees for Dub Police. All in a ll it’s a pretty dubby, grimey bunch.

Whether you’re headed back to school or wish you were, or are glad as fuck that you’re not, you’re going to want to get your hands on our Fall line. Sate your desires for just a little while longer by ogling our flashy new lookbook. Cheers!